Friday, February 4, 2011
Hola and Bienvenido a San Cristobal de Las Casas. We left Zipolite around 7am yesterday and found ourselves under the welcome sign to San Cristobal around 7 last night. A twisted, windy sinusoidal road that had Derek keeled over in the back seat for the better part of the trip; so Michael found himself in control of the helm for the entirety of the trip. The night before we left Derek had a batch of ‘bad nachos’ which was confirmed to be bad through one of our Swedish friends. His sickness is improving and he’ll just have to hydrate some more. Our trip was also delayed with one Federale check point stop along with three military checkpoints. One military check we had a full search of the vehicle and had one of the soldiers ask Derek if he could have his GPS as a present. He answered with a firm NO and said next Christmas he’ll send one in the mail. So overall counting our losses we made good time for the trip.

We will loading pics and video here shortly based on internet connection! stay tuned



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